Right Choice Plan™ - Gold Level

(Hospitalization and Out-Patient Surgery)

Administered by Free Market Administrators and Alliance for Shared Health (ASH)

The Gold Level provides hospitalization and out-patient surgery benefits, along with other benefits through a healthshare plan.

The individual may choose any hospital through a healthshare plan, which pays up to $75,000 for a hospital stay or out-patient surgery.  The member responsibility portion is $5,000 (like a deductible), to the provider.  By utilizing the included Patient Advocacy program, which works with the provider to obtain special reduced pricing, the $75,000 benefit amount will be stretched even further.  Can’t pay the $5,000 up front? Most every provider will work out a payment schedule over time.

Rather than paying for massive coverage, thus making it unaffordable, this program provides an avenue to give some coverage, in the event of a catastrophic event.

Medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcies.  The $75,000 in coverage provided, will typically be enough to cover the average hospital stay or surgery, according to debt.org.

(NOTE: Hospital and surgical costs may be much higher).

Pre-existing conditions apply for a 12-month look-back.  In other words, if someone has been treated for an illness 6 months prior to the effective date, then coverage for that particular ailment, is not covered until 12 months after date of last treatment.  Normal childbirth is covered after 10 months of plan being in force.

Right Choice Plan™ pays up to $50,000, or $75,000 per year, per covered person, with a $500,000 or $750,000 lifetime maximum respectively.

A large part of the appeal of healthcare sharing programs is that they are much less expensive than traditional health insurance. 

The healthcare sharing program offered is a medical cost sharing program that helps individuals and families address the challenges of escalating health care costs and soaring insurance premiums. It is not insurance, but an alternative where members share in each other’s medical needs. The healthshare company collects the member monthly contribution amounts and pays the providers directly, minus any applicable Member Responsibility Amounts (MRA). Members voluntarily submit contributions to the program on a monthly basis in order to maintain eligibility for sharing of medical needs and to help share in the needs of others.


  • Health Share Program vs Insurance
  • Member Responsibility Amount (MRA) vs  Deductible
  • Visit Fee vs Co-pay
  • Eligible for Sharing vs Covered
  • Monthly Contributions vs Premiums
  • Medical Needs Fee vs Claims
  • Shared Services vs Benefits

Another benefit to the healthshare program is that in some cases, coverage may be guaranteed issue, which means if you may have a health condition, you may still be eligible for coverage.

NOTE:  If you are on COBRA currently, or other coverage, and wish to obtain new coverage, do not cancel coverage until you have been fully accepted.  The reason for this is that you, and anyone you wish to have covered, will need to medically qualify for the plan from and underwriting standpoint.  In other words, if you have a major health issue, stay where you are.

Gold Level also includes:  Unlimited Telemedicine, Prescription Discounts, Couple’s Counseling, Dental Discounts, MRI and Imaging Discounts, Lab Services Discounts, My Notification and Evacuation Repatriation.

NOTE:  None of the benefits in the Right Choice Plan™ are insurance products.