

Due to the ever-rising cost of health insurance premiums, finding alternatives to traditional health insurance, including participation in healthcare sharing programs, has dramatically increased. Typically, healthcare sharing programs operate outside of traditional health insurance, allowing them to operate at a cost that is substantially less than traditional health insurance. Savings compared to traditional plans, can be as much as 60% less.

Take a few minutes to check out the various options to provide coverage,
based on your need and your budget.


The Smart Choice Plan™ program has been created to provide an affordable alternative to typical expensive major medical health plans. The need for healthcare is always there. Your ability to afford it, is not.  The Smart Choice Plan™ provides incredible options for healthcare management through our healthshare program.


Administered by Zion Health

The Healthshare program provides hospitalization and out-patient surgery benefits, along with other benefits through a healthshare plan.  The individual may choose any hospital through a healthshare plan, which has an unlimited annual payout, for a hospital stay or out-patient surgery.  The member responsibility portion or Initial Unsharable Amount (IUA), (like a deductible), has three levels:  $1,000, $2,500, or $5,000.  The plan also includes a Patient Advocacy program, which works with the provider to obtain special reduced pricing.  Can’t pay the IUA up front? Most every provider will work out a payment schedule over time.

Rather than paying for massive coverage, thus making it unaffordable, this program provides an avenue to give some coverage, in the event of a catastrophic event.

Medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcies.  Let the affordable healthshare program protect you and your family.



The Initial Unsharable Amount (IUA) for each member’s medical need is the responsibility of member.  All qualified medical expenses after IUA is met are shareable with the Zion Health community at 100% and without an annual or lifetime limit.


For each medical need, the community shares in medical expenses after the initial unshareable amount (IUA) is met.  This amount paid by the member does not need to be paid again until you are symptom free for 12 months.


The Initial Unsharable Amount (IUA) is better for members than a deductible when a large medical need comes up.  Often care for a sickness or injury is not limited to a single calendar year.  Members generally save by having an IUA.

Pre-existing condition phased in period

Pre-existing conditions have a waiting or phase in period.  Zion Health attempts to negotiate all medical bills received and many membership types include the PHCS network for pre-negotiated medical expenses.

  • 1st Year of Membership – Waiting period of all pre-existing conditions
  • 2nd Year of Membership – Up to $25,000 of sharing for pre-existing conditions
  • 3rd Year of Membership – Up to $50,000 of sharing for pre-existing conditions
  • 4th Year of Membership and Beyond – Up to $125,000 of sharing for pre-existing conditions per year

A large part of the appeal of healthcare sharing programs is that they are much less expensive than traditional health insurance. 

The healthshare program offered is a medical cost sharing program that helps individuals and families address the challenges of escalating health care costs and soaring insurance premiums. It is not insurance, but an alternative where members share in each other’s medical needs. The healthshare company collects the member monthly contribution amounts and pays the providers directly, minus any applicable IUA. The IUA is applicable for each medical event per year.  Members voluntarily submit contributions to the program on a monthly basis in order to maintain eligibility for sharing of medical needs and to help share in the needs of others.

Another benefit to the healthshare program is that in some cases, coverage may be guaranteed issue, which means if you have a previous health condition, you may still be eligible for coverage.  However, that particular condition may not be shareable immediately, but other events/conditions which are non-related to a pre-existing condition would be covered immediately.

NOTE:  If you are on COBRA currently, or other coverage, and wish to obtain new coverage, do not cancel coverage until you have been fully accepted.   In other words, if you have a major health issue, stay where you are.


  • Health Share Program vs Insurance
  • Member Responsibility Amount (MRA) vs  Deductible
  • Visit Fee vs Co-pay
  • Eligible for Sharing vs Covered
  • Monthly Contributions vs Premiums
  • Medical Needs Fee vs Claims
  • Shared Services vs Benefits

Another benefit to the healthshare program is that in some cases, coverage may be guaranteed issue, which means if you may have a health condition, you may still be eligible for coverage.

NOTE:  If you are on COBRA currently, or other coverage, and wish to obtain new coverage, do not cancel coverage until you have been fully accepted. In other words, if you have a major health issue, stay where you are.

Also Includes:

MRI/CT Scans and Imaging discounts.  Up to 70% savings.

Lab Test discounts.  Up to 70% savings.

Prescription discount card for up to 80% savings.  Visit to check out drug pricing and participating pharmacies.